Vor kurzem hatten wir das Vergnügen, einen angesehenen Kunden aus Katar in unserem Werk in Chengdu, China, zu empfangen. Als einer der führenden Hersteller von
Im Juni 2024 besuchten drei Landwirte aus dem Senegal unser Mehrschalengewächshaus und unser intelligentes Gewächshaussystem. Der Kunde hofft, ein Mehrfeldgewächshaus zu bauen
Light Deprivation Greenhouse Benefits Light-deprivation greenhouses control light duration and intensity to increase yield and quality and extend the growing season. Plant flowering time is
Nowadays, growing crops is almost inseparable from greenhouses. Greenhouse technology can not only improve the ability to withstand natural environmental disasters and resist droughts and
The choice of greenhouse construction has strong regional suitability and is largely restricted by local climate conditions. Among them, solar radiation, winter temperature, summer temperature,
Greenhouses have many profit points, and you can flexibly choose planting and management directions based on local market demand and unique advantages to achieve more
Glass greenhouse refers to a greenhouse that uses glass as lighting material. It is a type of greenhouse. Among cultivation facilities, glass greenhouse is a