

Aluminium-Legierung Rahmenstruktur Kunststoff-Film-Tunnel Multi-span Sägezahn tropische Klimakontrolle Gewächshaus zu verkaufen

  • Commercial crop production (e.g., vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants).
  • Baumschulen und Pflanzenvermehrung.
  • Research and development in agriculture.


Sawtooth greenhouse is a type of greenhouse design characterized by its distinctive roof shape, which resembles the teeth of a saw. The roof features a series of ridges and valleys, with one side of each span being steeper than the other. This design is primarily used to improve ventilation and natural light distribution within the greenhouse.

Key Features of Sawtooth Greenhouses:

  1. Roof Design:
    • The roof has alternating steep and shallow slopes, creating a “sawtooth” pattern.
    • The steeper side often faces away from the sun to reduce direct sunlight, while the shallower side allows for better light penetration.
  2. Ventilation:
    • The sawtooth design includes vertical openings (vents) along the ridges, which facilitate natural airflow and heat dissipation.
    • This helps regulate temperature and humidity, reducing the need for mechanical ventilation systems.
  3. Light Distribution:
    • The angled roof panels allow for more even distribution of sunlight throughout the greenhouse, reducing shadows and promoting uniform plant growth.
  4. Structural Materials:
    • The framework is typically made of steel, aluminum, or wood.
    • The roof and walls can be covered with materials like glass, polycarbonate, or polyethylene film.
  5. Climate Control:
    • Sawtooth greenhouses can be equipped with additional systems for heating, cooling, and humidity control to optimize growing conditions.


Advantages of Sawtooth Greenhouses:

  • Improved Ventilation: The design promotes natural airflow, reducing the risk of overheating and improving air circulation.
  • Better Light Penetration: The angled roof allows for more efficient use of sunlight, especially in regions with lower light intensity.
  • Energie-Effizienz: Reduced reliance on mechanical ventilation and artificial lighting can lower energy costs.
  • Skalierbarkeit: Sawtooth greenhouses can be designed in various sizes to suit different agricultural needs.

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4. gibt es eine Anleitung oder Handbuch Guide Installation?
A.Ja, englisches Handbuch mit Zeichnung und Video wird zusammen mit der Ware geliefert, um Ihre Installation zu erleichtern.
B.Engineer in Übersee führen Installation ist verfügbar.
C.Ihr Arbeiter oder Ingenieur ist in unserer Fabrik willkommen, um Ihre Gewächshausinstallation zu lernen.

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