

Factory Price Indoor Farming Vertical PVC Food Grade NFT Hydroponic System For Lettuce

Water Efficiency: NFT systems use very little water compared to traditional soil-based agriculture because the water is constantly recirculated. The thin film of water is enough to provide the plants with nutrients, and the rest of the water is returned to the reservoir.
Oxygen Supply: The flowing nature of the nutrient film exposes the roots to both nutrients and oxygen, which helps promote healthy root growth and plant development. The shallow film of water helps prevent root rot, as the roots are never submerged but only moistened.
Fast Growth: Since nutrients and oxygen are continuously supplied to the roots, plants often grow faster compared to other growing methods. This makes NFT popular in commercial hydroponic systems.
Space Efficiency: NFT systems are often used in vertical or stacked configurations, which helps maximize space, especially in environments where space is limited, like urban farming or greenhouse operations.

The NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) hydroponic system is a type of hydroponics in which a thin film of nutrient-rich water flows over the roots of plants in a sloped, shallow channel. The system is designed to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the roots while minimizing the amount of water used. It’s commonly used in growing leafy greens, herbs, and some small vegetables.


Key Components:
Channels or Gutter Troughs: These are the sloped containers where plants’ roots are placed. They are typically made from materials like PVC or other food-safe plastic. The slope ensures that the nutrient solution flows from one end of the channel to the other.

Nutrient Solution: A mixture of water and dissolved nutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) that provides plants with everything they need for growth. This solution is pumped into the high end of the channels and flows down the slope, covering the plant roots before draining back into a reservoir for reuse.

Pump and Reservoir: A pump circulates the nutrient solution from the reservoir to the top of the channels. The solution then flows down the channels, past the roots, and returns to the reservoir to be reused, creating a closed-loop system.

Plants: Plants are usually placed in small net pots or cups, which hold the plants in place above the nutrient film. The roots grow down into the channel, where they are exposed to the thin layer of water.


Key Features and Benefits:

Water Efficiency: NFT systems use very little water compared to traditional soil-based agriculture because the water is constantly recirculated. The thin film of water is enough to provide the plants with nutrients, and the rest of the water is returned to the reservoir.

Oxygen Supply: The flowing nature of the nutrient film exposes the roots to both nutrients and oxygen, which helps promote healthy root growth and plant development. The shallow film of water helps prevent root rot, as the roots are never submerged but only moistened.

Fast Growth: Since nutrients and oxygen are continuously supplied to the roots, plants often grow faster compared to other growing methods. This makes NFT popular in commercial hydroponic systems.

Space Efficiency: NFT systems are often used in vertical or stacked configurations, which helps maximize space, especially in environments where space is limited, like urban farming or greenhouse operations.

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