

Tropical Climate Polyhouse UV Resistant Sawtooth Shade Net Agricultural Multi-span Greenhouse For Strawberry

1. It has a large indoor planting space and can use multiple spans according to your needs.
2. Good light transmittance and high solar energy utilization rate.
3. Beautiful appearance and very sturdy.
4. Easy to manage, can be used in vegetable greenhouses, flower greenhouses, seedling greenhouses, breeding greenhouses and other scenarios


Product Introduction

The sawtooth greenhouse is an efficient and environmentally friendly agricultural production method that combines the wisdom of modern technology and traditional agriculture. This special structure of the greenhouse can not only provide sufficient sunlight area, but also effectively prevent damage to the building from wind loads. In terms of internal environment control, the zigzag shape design allows for more even ventilation and helps maintain suitable growing conditions.


Product Advantages

1. Increase crop yield: Due to the efficient energy utilization system and large-area lighting design, the sawtooth greenhouse can ensure that crops receive sufficient light and suitable temperature, thereby significantly improving the growth rate and quality of crops.

2. Reduce energy consumption: Compared with traditional greenhouses, sawtooth greenhouses consume less energy. This is mainly due to its unique architectural design, which can effectively resist interference from the external environment while making full use of solar energy and other renewable energy sources.

3. Increase land utilization: In peripheries of big cities or densely populated areas, traditional farmland is often restricted by land use. The three-dimensional space design of the sawtooth greenhouse can greatly increase the planting area per unit area, thereby achieving higher output efficiency.

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4.Is There Any Instruction Or Manual Guide Installation?
A.Ja, englisches Handbuch mit Zeichnung und Video wird zusammen mit der Ware geliefert, um Ihre Installation zu erleichtern.
B.Engineer in Übersee führen Installation ist verfügbar.
C.Ihr Arbeiter oder Ingenieur ist in unserer Fabrik willkommen, um Ihre Gewächshausinstallation zu lernen.

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