Prodotti AX


Double Layers Garden Farming Movable V Track Hydroponic Seeding Grow Rack Seedbed

The ebb and flow irrigation system is the most common plant production system in modern greenhouses. It is also suitable for the cultivation of ornamental plants and seedlings.

Ebb and flow irrigation is a closed irrigation system. Irrigation water mixed with fertilizer is pumped onto trays, and the plants on the trays begin to absorb the water and the fertilizer added to the water. After a period of time, the trays are emptied and the remaining water that is not absorbed by the plants is drained back into a central collection tank.

The water is filtered and treated before being recycled. After filtration and UV disinfection, the water is mixed with the required amount of fertilizer and reused.


Grow rack is a type of shelving system used for growing plants, especially in controlled environments like greenhouses, indoor gardens, or hydroponic setups. It is designed to maximize vertical space, allowing plants to be grown in layers or tiers. Grow racks are typically made of durable materials like metal or plastic, and they often come with adjustable shelves to accommodate plants of different sizes.

These Racks Can Be Equipped With Features Like:
Grow lights: To provide artificial light, especially in indoor settings where natural light is insufficient.
Watering systems: Some grow racks are integrated with automated irrigation or hydroponic systems for efficient watering.
Ventilation: Proper airflow is crucial for healthy plant growth, and some racks are designed to ensure good air circulation.
Grow racks are commonly used for growing vegetables, herbs, and other plants in small spaces, making them a popular choice for urban farming, indoor gardening, or commercial horticulture.

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4.Is There Any Instruction Or Manual Guide Installation?
A.Sì, il manuale in inglese con disegni e video viene spedito insieme alla merce per guidare facilmente l'installazione.
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C. Il vostro operaio o ingegnere è benvenuto nella nostra fabbrica per imparare l'installazione della serra.

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