AX 제품


Industrial Single-span Automated Light Deprivation Blackout Plastic Film Polyhouse Greenhouse

Ⅰ. The blackout greenhouse is simple and practical equipment for cultivation or breeding, it is easy to construct, convenient to use.

Ⅱ. Tunnel greenhouse is widely used in the cultivation of vegetables, fruits and flowers.

Ⅲ. Tunnel light deprivation greenhouse can provide the conditions of suitable illumination, moisture and temperature, raising the output and resisting the natural disasters.

Ⅳ. It can bring forward or backward the provision, remitting the contradictions of provision and demand.

제품 세부 정보

Product Introduction:

 A light-deprivation greenhouse uses special shading materials and an automated system to control the duration and intensity of light precisely. It is usually equipped with an advanced automation control system to create the most suitable environment for the growth of various crops. As a grower, This technology allows you to break traditional agriculture’s seasonal limitations, achieve efficient year-round cultivation, and significantly improve crop quality and yield.

 Light-deprivation greenhouses show immense potential and market demand, whether used for commercial cultivation of high-end flowers and medicinal plants or scientific research. As a professional greenhouse manufacturer, we will elaborate on the principles and advantages of light-deprivation greenhouses in this article to better inform you about this advanced greenhouse type.

 Light-deprivation greenhouses control light duration and intensity to increase yield and quality and extend the growing season. Plant flowering time is controlled by intrinsic genetic factors and environmental signals, with photoperiod being a key environmental signal affecting plant growth and development. Plants, like humans, perceive day and night changes through light and regulate their physiological activities, such as germination, leaf growth, flowering, and seed formation.

 Modern agricultural technology uses light-deprivation greenhouses to regulate the growth cycle of crops. For example, the shading system of a light-deprivation greenhouse can precisely block natural light, ensuring complete darkness when plants need it. The lighting system can simulate the spectrum and intensity of sunlight, providing different light cycles according to the needs of the plants.

 Whether your plants require long or short daylight, light-deprivation greenhouses can help you break the environmental limitations of crop growth imposed by the seasons, providing ideal growing conditions year-round.


Our Auto Light Deprivation Greenhouse Designed In The Following System:

1. Cooling system that including the exhaust fan can help control the temperature in the greenhouse;
2. Ventilation system coming with the natural environment;
3. LED light growing system supplementary the light demand of the light so that can speed up the growing;
4. Automatice control system with timber which can auto control the light deprivation system(Blackout system);
5. Ventilator fan that can exchange the air when there is the totally sealed growing environment.

1. 당신은 공장입니까?
예, 우리는 15년 동안 온실 유형 제조업체입니다.
적합한 온실 설계를위한 전문 엔지니어 팀과 함께 지금 판매 후 서비스 및 공장 직접 판매를 완료하십시오!

2. 제품의 품질을 보장하는 방법?
A. 우리는 알리바바의 황금 공급 업체이며 10 년 동안 수출에 종사하고 있으며 상품은 40 개국 이상에 수출되었으며
전 세계 시장에서 좋은 평판을 얻고 있습니다. 장기적이고 상호 이익이 되는 협력은 우리의 경영 철학입니다.
B. 모든 배치 상품의 상태가 양호한 지 확인하기 위해 당사의 검사 부서는 제품을 철저히 검사하고 테스트합니다.
배송 전에 주의 깊게 살펴보세요. 필요한 테스트 및 인증은 고객의 요청에 따라 받을 수 있습니다.

3. 포장 및 배송은 어떻습니까?
A. 상품은 이름과 부품, 액세서리를 카톤에, 파이프를 번들로, 모든 상품을로드하는 모든 상품에 따라 표시되어 있습니다.
컨테이너를 직접 구매(컨테이너를 공장으로 끌고 가서 모든 상품을 잘 적재할 수 있도록 컨테이너 전체를 구매하는 것이 좋습니다).
B. 배송 항구는 일반적으로 칭다오 / 상하이이며, 보상을받은 후 배송을 준비해 드릴 수 있습니다.

4. 설치에 대한 지침이나 매뉴얼 가이드가 있나요?
A.예, 도면과 동영상이 포함된 영문 설명서가 상품과 함께 배송되어 설치를 쉽게 안내해 드립니다.
B.엔지니어 해외 가이드 설치가 가능합니다.
C. 온실 설치를 배우기 위해 작업자 또는 엔지니어를 공장으로 초대합니다.



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