AX Products


60x20m Multi-span Durable Plastic PE Film Polyhouse Agricultural Hydroponic Greenhouse For Sale

1. It has a large indoor planting space and can use multiple spans according to your needs.
2. Good light transmittance and high solar energy utilization rate.
3. Beautiful appearance and very sturdy.
4. Easy to manage, can be used in vegetable greenhouses, flower greenhouses, seedling greenhouses, breeding greenhouses and other scenarios

Product Introduction

Plastic film greenhouse is a type of greenhouse structure that uses a layer of plastic film (typically polyethylene) as the primary covering material instead of glass or polycarbonate. These greenhouses are popular because they are relatively cost-effective and provide excellent insulation for plants. The plastic film is typically stretched over a frame made of metal, wood, or PVC, and it creates a controlled environment for growing plants, extending the growing season and improving crop yield.


Features of Plastic Film Greenhouses:
Affordable: Plastic film is much cheaper than glass or polycarbonate materials, making plastic film greenhouses a more budget-friendly option for small and medium-scale farmers.

Light Transmission: Plastic allows sunlight to pass through, providing essential light for photosynthesis. Polyethylene film, the most common material, typically has good light diffusion, which helps prevent hotspots and ensures even light distribution inside the greenhouse.

Контроль температуры: The plastic film provides insulation, maintaining warmer temperatures during cooler months, and protecting plants from excessive heat during hot weather by diffusing sunlight.

UV Protection: Most plastic films are treated with UV inhibitors to prevent degradation from sun exposure, ensuring longer life and stability.

Flexibility: The plastic film is lightweight and can be easily replaced or repaired. It’s also more flexible in terms of structural design compared to glass.

Ventilation: Proper ventilation (either manual or automatic) is important in plastic film greenhouses to prevent excessive humidity and heat buildup. Ventilation systems such as sidewalls or roof vents are often integrated into the design.

Долговечность: While plastic film greenhouses are generally less durable than glass greenhouses, they can last for several years (usually 4-6 years) before needing replacement, depending on environmental conditions and the quality of the plastic film used.

Plastic film greenhouses are widely used for growing vegetables, flowers, and herbs, as well as in hydroponic and aquaponic systems. They offer a balance between performance, cost, and ease of use, making them an attractive option for farmers in many climates.

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