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Промышленный одиночный пролет 30*10m подгонянный пластиковая пленка поли туннеля сельского хозяйства овощной растущей теплицы

1. It has a large indoor planting space and can use multiple spans according to your needs.
2. Good light transmittance and high solar energy utilization rate.
3. Beautiful appearance and very sturdy.
4. Easy to manage, can be used in vegetable greenhouses, flower greenhouses, seedling greenhouses, breeding greenhouses and other scenarios

Single-span greenhouse is a type of greenhouse structure that features a single, continuous roof spanning the entire length of the greenhouse, supported by a series of columns or walls on both sides. Unlike multi-span greenhouses, which have multiple interconnected sections, a single-span greenhouse is a standalone unit with a single arched or gabled roof.


Key Features of a Single-Span Greenhouse:

Roof Structure:The roof is typically a single, unbroken span that can either be arched (curved) or gabled (with a peaked design). The roof can be made from various materials, such as polycarbonate, glass, or polyethylene film, depending on the climate and specific needs of the plants being grown.

Simple Design:The single-span greenhouse is simpler in design compared to multi-span greenhouses. This makes it easier and less expensive to construct, especially for smaller-scale operations or hobbyists.

Clear Span:Since there are no internal support beams or columns running across the span of the roof (other than at the sides), the interior of a single-span greenhouse offers a clear, uninterrupted space. This maximizes the available growing area and makes it easier to move equipment and crops inside.

Ventilation:Single-span greenhouses often have side vents and roof vents to allow for natural ventilation. These vents help regulate temperature and humidity, reducing the need for mechanical ventilation systems.
The simple roof design also facilitates the use of roll-up sidewalls or ventilation systems, which can help control airflow and provide cooling.

Size and Flexibility:Single-span greenhouses are typically smaller than multi-span greenhouses, making them suitable for individual hobbyists, small-scale commercial growers, or research purposes. However, they can be scaled up in length if needed, though width is typically limited to a single span (hence the name).

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